Wednesday, February 9, 2011


One of my most favorite things to do is read.  Ever since I was little, I have ALWAYS loved reading books.  My sister and I loved going to the library when we were growing up.  We would always check out the maximum number of books every time!!  Babysitters Club, Boxcar kids, Sweet Valley Kids... american girl... all of those and more!  I love cuddling up in the winter with a blanket and a good book, usually at nighttime before bed :)  I love relaxing on the beach or by the pool in the summertime with a good book.  Let's face it, I love going anywhere with a good book!

If there is one thing that I hope Abigail loves to do in the future, it would be to read.  I want her to be able to experience jumping into someone else's world.  The imagination that is involved.  Creating the characters in your mind.  I fall in love with the families I read about, even though they are fictional!!  Ryan says I am crazy.

Ryan doesn't care for reading- he is not quite sure why, but he says he just never read much growing up and he doesn't get caught up in the books quite like I do.  I think he wishes he does though!

I don't read to Abigail EVERY single day, I wish I did, but I do read to her as often as I can.   She doesn't have a huge children's book collection yet like I would like for her, but I hope to expand it as we go along.  I want her to start reading at a young age like her mommy did! 

I read a lot in front of her- either to her or out loud.  She seems to take an interest in what I am reading lately!! I hope this is a good sign!

Daddy will like this photo, because if you look closely, she is reading the sports section!!

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of books.. I'm reading a book (not fiction) called The Stuff Christians Like. It is pretty good- kind of a satire about Christianity.. should look into it if you have a chance!
