Monday, January 31, 2011

Our Weekend with Nan and other things

Ryan's mom AKA 'Nan' came to visit this weekend.  She lives in Pennsylvania and has been able to see Abigail at least once a month so far.  She came down on Friday evening, and stayed until Sunday afternoon. 

She really enjoyed her time with Abigail.  They sang together, played together, 'talked' to each other, cuddled each other, smiled at each other and many other things!  

It was a nice weekend.  I had to work Saturday morning a few hours, and then we just hung out that afternoon. Ryan had to work (boo) so Barb and Abigail and I went out to dinner that evening to Bob Evans and then of course we had to make a trip to babies r us.

Saturday night Abigail didn't want to sleep for some reason.  Not quite sure what that was about.  I have a feeling she was just overtired, and she was fighting sleep.  She was very very fussy most of the night.  She is rarely fussy anymore, so I was not used to this!  Ryan didn't feel good, so I let him rest and I was up and down with her.  Noone got any sleep in this house that night.  We stayed home from church Sunday because it was such a lousy night. She slept a lot better Sunday night, thank goodness.

I really can't complain because not many people have babies who have slept through the night since around 7 weeks old!  I am telling you that Abigail is DEFINITELY my baby!

Sunday after Nan left, I decided to try out the cloth diaper trial pack.  Ryan went to work and missed the action.  Abigail decided to pee and/or poop about every hour so we went through 5 diapers before bedtime!  I got to try them all, except for the prefolds. I can't realy figure those out yet.  She is too fidgety and gets too irritated when I Take that long during a diaper change. 

I even had time to wash the dirty dipes before bedtime, so I could re use  them today.  The poop stains all came out.  I was very pleased about that :)   (lovely conversation, huh?)

I have had a few of them on her today.  Some are easier to adjust the snaps then others.  Some fit better around the legs- she has some chunky legs, and some leave red marks. But I have to remember that so do disposables. She seems to be comfortable so it doesn't both me too much. 

I have to get u sed to how much more bulkier (most) of them are then disposables. Not all of them are.  But they are definitely cute! Well, I am not sure why we get excited about "cute" things that contain poop!! 

I have to play around with some of them to get on the right setting for her.  Which can be difficult because Abigail is very very fidgety, especially when being changed!!  

She had a messy poop earlier, and the diaper she was wearing at the time totally contained everything without any leakage.  So far I like the fuzzibunz and the smartipants the best- they fit her the best I think.  The bumgenius are good too. 

I have to wonder who comes up with these names!! Clever people.

Ryan hasn't used them yet.  I am hoping Tuesday evening (since he got the day off, yay!) that I can show him how to use them and maybe he can start using during the mornings when I am at work.  I like them so far, well, I have only used 2 days now, but I want him to like them too.

all in all, a good weekend :)


  1. What a cutie!! I also had a son with chunky legs..and arms..and body..LOL!! We really like the bumgenius 4.0 and the Fuzzi Bunz size Mediums--the One size fits all didn't seem to fit him that well.

    A tip with the prefolds--if you just fold the prefolds in thirds--so it makes a long, skinny rectangle, and then set in the cover, then you can just slide both under the baby--maybe that will help with her squirming :)

    Let me know if you ever have any questions! Feel to post them to the facebook wall or email me!

  2. Hi! I got your comment/question about washing diapers! If you are only washing 5-7 at a time, you should probably start with about 1/4 the lowest line of detergent, and go from there. If they're not smelling clean out of the wash, you may need to add a little more. If they are stinky after being "used" or you are seeing a lot of bubbles in the rinse cycle, you may need to cut back a little.

    If you're not having any trouble with your siapers, don't worry about the detergent. Just keep doing what you're doing!
