On April 15th, you turned 6 months old- 6 MONTHS OLD! WHERE has the time gone?? You are already HALF of a year old... I just cannot believe it. I still think back to the day I had you- I never want to forget that day... it was just such a wonderful day. You have grown SO much since then, and it seems unreal.
You are such a blessing to me, and to your daddy.
I am just loving my time with you... I love being your mommy. You make it so easy for me! You are the joy to my life, you light up my world when you smile at me... I love that little gummy smile.
Pretty soon you will have a toothy smile- I see a little white speck on your top gums!! Maybe this month, a tooth will appear!
This past month has been full of changes for you. Daddy found out he got a new job, and had to leave for training a few weeks ago... now you are no longer watched by daddy during the day. I know you loved your daddy-daughter time during the day, you got to watch him clean and work out, and you just spent time together. Mommy was really stressed out trying to arrange child care for you at the last minute, but everything worked out. Between your mom mom, your great aunt, and a some others, you were watched at home. Oh, and at Aunt Cella's house :)
In the meantime you started daycare one day a week, and this week you started full time- 4 days a week. You really seem to enjoy daycare. Your daycare provider tells me that you are such an angel! I think you enjoy interacting with the other children, I know it's good for you to be around other children, but I still wish you were home with me, in a way. Believe me, if I could stay home with you, I would do it in a heartbeat. But mommy has to work right now.
In the past month, you have really learned to sit up on your own well!!! Sometimes at night, I sit on the couch and you just hang out next to me, playing with your toys.
You love reaching for things- anything within your arms reach!! I love watching you go. If there is a bag within reach, you have to check it out! I Think you are nosy, just like your mommy.
You can scoot around somewhat on your belly, but you can't crawl yet- I bet it will be soon though!! You certainly try to. I lay you down one way in your crib, and in the morning, you are the opposite way!!
Sometimes you like to sit on my lap when I am here on the computer and you like to type. Sometimes you chat with your Aunt Susan on facebook!
The past month, I have been giving you some baby food- well, for awhile we did rice cereal, but you didn't appear to enjoy that too much. We changed to oatmeal, which I think you liked a little better. You have had green beans, applesauce (you didn't care for that) and bananas. I love your faces.
However, you still love your mommy's milk!! I still breastfeed you, and that is how you get most all of your nutrition. You still get bottles of my milk at daycare, and you still love it. I hope I am still making enough for you to continue growing well! This week we go to doctor and will find out.
This past month you were able to meet your special Great Auntie Deb and Uncle Richard- They live in North Carolina and are not able to come up to Salisbury very often. They are very dear and close to me, and I was so excited for them to finally meet you!! I hope that you will get to know them very well throughout the years as we make trips down to NC, and as they visit us here. I know they enjoyed their visit with us!
You still sleep soooo well at night!! I really believe that God answered my prayers with you- you are the bestest baby a mother could ever ask for!! You don't fuss (too much), you sleep straight through the nights, and you are just an angel!
I borrowed a baby carrier from Eric at work, so a few times I have taken you for a walk with Camden. You really seem to enjoy this.
Love Aways,
Your Mommy
Oh my goodness! Abigail is just adorable, and you are such a good mom. Your love for her shines through in everything you do and everything you write about Abigail. God certainly has blessed you!