Today is Tuesday, March 15th.I cannot believe you are 5 whole months old today!! Wow... they say time flies faster when you have children and they must be right. The past 5 months have gone by so fast... soon you will be half a year old!! And then a year! Pretty soon after that you will be driving!! It seems that way, anyway.
I try to cherish each and every single moment I have with you because I know it will go by so quickly... It already has- the past 5 months have flown by. You have changed more and more the past month than any other, I believe. Every day we see more and more of your personality. You really are a sweet girl. You are the best baby I could have ever asked or prayed for. And believe you me, I prayed. Before I knew I was having you, when I was carrying you in my belly, and I still pray for you. I always will.
There are so many things you have started to do in the past few months. For one, you really do take after your mommy because you already love to 'talk'. It is so funny. At first it was more breathy coos, but now you really make some funny noises and squeals! I swear, you really want to talk! In a way, you are. That is how you are expressing yourself! Daddy won't be able to get a word in once you start talking with real words, between you and me. And the past few weeks you love to stick your tongue out and blow spit everywhere!! It is sooo funny. Daddy and I Could listen to you all day long, all night long and it wouldn't bother us. Well, when you cry it bothers us of course.
Saturday, March 12, you rolled over from your back to your belly on your own!!! It was just me and you, and you did it once. You didn't repeat it then. Then on Monday (the 14th) you did it several times and even let me capture it on video!! It was so very exciting. You really want to crawl- soon you will be all over the place!!
You love sitting up in your bumbo seat like you are a big girl- and you ARE getting to be a big girl!! You can't really sit on your own yet, but you are so close!! Sometimes if I am holding onto you, you can sit for a few seconds but you always end up leaning forward towards the ground. Daddy does "sit ups" with you when you are on the bed... you always fall over and it's sooo funny. You like that.
I wish you still liked to be cuddled, but you want to be looking around at your surroundings all of the time. You get very squirmy most of the time. You love to have tummy time on your playmat on the floor. Right now your favorite toys are your GloWorm that plays lullabies, and you also love looking at mirrors. They both make you smile lots. You also love toys that make any type of music. Makes sense, you have been exposed to lots of music in your lifetime, with your daddy and myself in the choir at church.
You are learning to grab onto toys and reaching for things... you just really love getting into things already! If you are sitting in your bumbo, or even just on my lap, you are always reaching for what's closest to you!!
I love thinking back to the day you were born.... I hope I never forget the little details. You have grown so much since then, it is already hard to imagine that you were that small. The last time you went to the doctor, you weighed almost 15 lbs!! You are getting quite heavy to carry around! You give mommy a workout.
I was so nervous about being a mommy when I was pregnant with you, but now that I have you, I absolutely LOVE being a mommy. I hope you think I am a good mommy, I sure try. Sure there are things that I don't know if I am doing right or wrong. But I can tell that you love me... You smile at me when I come home from work and it makes all my worries dissapear. I especially love when you smile at me in the mornings when you first wake up.
Ahh, the joys of nursing. I always knew I wanted to at least try breastfeeding you, but I never thought we would end up going 5 months. You certainly eat well, my dear. Just look at your belly and leg rolls!! Anyone can tell you are certainly getting what you need. I just love the fact that my body produces all of the food/nutrients that you need right now. It's neat how God designed our bodies, isn't it? I hope to breastfeed you for as long as you want me to...
Soon we will start you tasting solids... we have started a few times here and there, but I am waiting awhile longer until you are truly ready. You haven't gotten the swallowing part down yet. Lots of people don't agree with me and think you should already be eating solids every day, but daddy and mommy will do what we think is right at the moment.
Right now you are asleep in your crib. Tonight you were fussy because instead of sleeping on your back, you wanted to roll over on your tummy. This has never happened before, usually you sleep on your back all night long. I just checked on you and you were fast asleep on your tummy... this is a first time. It makes me nervous. But you are a big girl now.
I love you so much, and always will. I never knew a heart could love someone this much. But now I know. God has blessed me so much when He gave me you.
Love always,
this is SO adorable! i love this. and YEAH for breastfeeding! :)
ReplyDeleteAbby is very lucky to have you& Ryan forher parents. Also you will be so glad you are recording her milestones this way. I love reading your blog and so will she someday. She will have a wonderful sense of self worth because she will see how muchyou love her. That is one of the mist important gifts you cangive her. Also seeing & reading about your faith in& love for God will be influential in leading her to accept him in her own life when she is older. You are doing a great job!