Ryan's academy is 26 weeks long. 26 L-O-N-G weeks. After this Friday, he will have 10 weeks down. Then 16 more to go.
On one hand, it seems like it's dragged by slowly...but then again, on the other hand it seems like it's flown by so far. It seems like we just got that phone call that he was accepted.
It gets difficult during the week, being the only one home at night. I get really down and lonely at times. I always look forward to Friday. I can't imagine if he didn't get to come home weekends what it would be like...very very difficult. I have been fortunate that he has only had to stay there one weekend so far.
A good thing about doing this now is Abigail won't remember this. If he was going through this when she is older, it would be much much more difficult for her to be away from her daddy. But right now, she won't remember. But she knows him when he walks in that door Friday night, or her bedroom Saturday morning!
I think most of all, I just miss having my best friend to share everything with. Having someone here to talk to about life. Heck, I miss being able to call him or just talk to him whenever I want to... my husband is my best friend in the world, and I tell him everything. I miss being able to come home from work and tell him something about my day.
Some days I get to talk to him on the phone, but there are nights, like tonight, that he isn't able to call or email. That is most difficult for me, when we don't get to talk at all and I don't know how his day went. But I know he misses me and think of me often.
He has lost quite a bit of weight since being in the academy- I won't say how much, but a substantial amount. He looks great though!! If any of you out there want to lose weight and want to be in the state police- just go through the academy- that will help you lose weight!!
He is also doing well academically... Right now as far as he knows, he is in the top 10 out of 68 candidates in the class, based on their GPA. I am so proud of my honey- he works so hard, and studies hard. It pays off. We are hoping that helps his chances of getting placed in a barrack on the Eastern Shore.
Almost 10 weeks down...16 to go. He will graduate a few weeks before Abigails' big 1 year birthday- can't wait!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Thursday, May 26, 2011
I really don't feel much like posting tonight, but I do want to say that Abigail has had a tooth starting to come in for the past (almost) week. Last Saturday Ryan and I could feel a tooth coming up (on her bottom gum). It feels like a little razor stuck in her gums!
It hasn't seemed to bother her much, from what I can tell. She still sleeps at night. She hasn't been drinking all of her bottles at daycare the past few days though, but I am not sure if that is related to teething or not.
Yesterday her daycare provider made mention of 2 teeth coming in and I didn't know what she was talking about at the time, and somewhat forgot about it.
Today I found out what she was talking about- I finally was able to get a glimpse of Abigail's gums (she doesn't like me to mess with her lips or mouth usually) and yes indeedy, there are TWO toofers coming in on her bottom gum! (Toofers is what I call them when I talk to Abigail).
Pretty soon instead of that gummy smile, my little girl will have a toothy smile!!
It hasn't seemed to bother her much, from what I can tell. She still sleeps at night. She hasn't been drinking all of her bottles at daycare the past few days though, but I am not sure if that is related to teething or not.
Yesterday her daycare provider made mention of 2 teeth coming in and I didn't know what she was talking about at the time, and somewhat forgot about it.
Today I found out what she was talking about- I finally was able to get a glimpse of Abigail's gums (she doesn't like me to mess with her lips or mouth usually) and yes indeedy, there are TWO toofers coming in on her bottom gum! (Toofers is what I call them when I talk to Abigail).
Pretty soon instead of that gummy smile, my little girl will have a toothy smile!!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
New Things
This is what Abigail has been up to lately:
There is another video I want to post but I'm having a difficult time so check back tomorrow and I will see if I can upload it then.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
7 Months
My Dearest Abigail Evelyn,

The past month was two "firsts", one for you, and one for me. You had your first Easter. We dressed you all up and went to church for Easter breakfast. We had church service and then dinner at our house. It was such a wonderful day, and a wonderful "first" Easter for you!! Of course you had a boo boo on your nose, and Daddy had a boo boo on his eye... so you two looked so silly together!!
Then shortly after that was my first Mother's Day. You are the reason that it was my first Mother's Day, and it couldn't have been better. Dadday was able to come home from training for the weekend, and we just spent a leisurely day together. You are my gift, and that was all I needed.
You are really getting your own personality now- You are really easygoing around people- you just love everyone!! Everyone always comes up to your daddy and I in restaurants telling us how great of a baby you are. We get comments often that you are such a "happy baby" and you smile a lot- well it is true! Oh and speaking of restaurants, when we go out to eat now, instead of carrying you in your carseat you now can sit up in a highchair!!! We give you toys and you play while we eat- because you always get your dinner first, before we leave the house :) Pretty soon we will start feeding you table food while we are out- boy, that will get messy I am sure!
You are in daycare full time now, and you seem to really love your daycare- every day when I go pick you up you are usually outside. I love coming up to you and seeing your smile- you have the most beautiful smile. I really think you enjoy being around other children. However, I think being around the other children has led you to realize that you have a voice! You used to be so quiet, but now you have realized you can shreak and make all types of noises. Usually in church, when everyone else is quiet!
You sit up great now, and you have starting scooting/crawling. You don't crawl with your knees but you kind of pull yourself. It's amusing to watch. If you are trying to get to soemthing, you are determined to get there and you do! You are like your mommy, just very determined to get it done, whatever "it" is. I love the looks of determination on your face...
This past month was the first time you have been in a pool- daddy took you in one for the first time recently, and you seemed to enjoy it.
And today you got your own litle blow up pool for the backyard. You splashed around in that for awhile. I think your 'Aunt' Jenna will be proud of you, and happy that you like water. Pretty soon we will have to start swim lessons! She has been getting on me about getting you into the pool so you can get more used to it!!
You are still breastfeeding, and still going strong. You get your bottles at daycare, but you also have started getting other foods at daycare too. You really seem to like the "orange" veggies, like carrots, sweet potatoes and squash. You make the funniest faces with peas and green beans. I have a difficult time getting you to eat those. You seem to really like bananas as well, but you haven't tried many other fruits yet. Sometimes at daycare I am told that all you do is eat somet days, between your bottles and babyfood! You still love your mommy milk the best, though.
Recently you went to the doctor about your heart, and he says that it is getting better. You had three tiny holes when you were born, and now 2 have completely closed and one should be closing. The doctor couldn't even hear your heart murmur anymore. We praise God that you have a fully functioning heart, and that the holes were not large enough to cause any problems. You are healthy, and very happy.
Abigail, you are getting so big, so quickly. I look at you and see you coming into your own, and just realize that everyone is right- it does go by too fast. I know your 1st birthday will just sneak up on us. I already wish I could go back to the days when you wanted to cuddle on my chest and fal asleep. You don't do that much anymore... today you fell asleep on me in church. I just savor those moments. Most of the time now you just want to push off me and crawl to the other side of the couch or floor, or wherever we may be.
I know you will just become more and more independent, and that breaks my heart in one way, but in the other, I know it is a good and healthy thing for you to do. However, I love each and every moment we have together. I hate being away from you during the day, but I have to. I love the moments I get with you in the mornings and night times, and especially on our weekends together when Daddy is home. You are my love, and always will be. You are my firstborn and always will be. Your daddy and I both love you very very much, and we always will, no matter what. Just wanted you to know. Happy 7 month birthday!
Love Always,
This letter is a week overdue, but you just keep me so busy that I haven't really had time to write your 7 month letter to you yet! On May 15th, you turned 7 months old- I really just cannot believe this. It seems every month goes by faster. You are getting so big!!
The past month was two "firsts", one for you, and one for me. You had your first Easter. We dressed you all up and went to church for Easter breakfast. We had church service and then dinner at our house. It was such a wonderful day, and a wonderful "first" Easter for you!! Of course you had a boo boo on your nose, and Daddy had a boo boo on his eye... so you two looked so silly together!!
You are really getting your own personality now- You are really easygoing around people- you just love everyone!! Everyone always comes up to your daddy and I in restaurants telling us how great of a baby you are. We get comments often that you are such a "happy baby" and you smile a lot- well it is true! Oh and speaking of restaurants, when we go out to eat now, instead of carrying you in your carseat you now can sit up in a highchair!!! We give you toys and you play while we eat- because you always get your dinner first, before we leave the house :) Pretty soon we will start feeding you table food while we are out- boy, that will get messy I am sure!
You are in daycare full time now, and you seem to really love your daycare- every day when I go pick you up you are usually outside. I love coming up to you and seeing your smile- you have the most beautiful smile. I really think you enjoy being around other children. However, I think being around the other children has led you to realize that you have a voice! You used to be so quiet, but now you have realized you can shreak and make all types of noises. Usually in church, when everyone else is quiet!
You sit up great now, and you have starting scooting/crawling. You don't crawl with your knees but you kind of pull yourself. It's amusing to watch. If you are trying to get to soemthing, you are determined to get there and you do! You are like your mommy, just very determined to get it done, whatever "it" is. I love the looks of determination on your face...
This past month was the first time you have been in a pool- daddy took you in one for the first time recently, and you seemed to enjoy it.
And today you got your own litle blow up pool for the backyard. You splashed around in that for awhile. I think your 'Aunt' Jenna will be proud of you, and happy that you like water. Pretty soon we will have to start swim lessons! She has been getting on me about getting you into the pool so you can get more used to it!!
You are still breastfeeding, and still going strong. You get your bottles at daycare, but you also have started getting other foods at daycare too. You really seem to like the "orange" veggies, like carrots, sweet potatoes and squash. You make the funniest faces with peas and green beans. I have a difficult time getting you to eat those. You seem to really like bananas as well, but you haven't tried many other fruits yet. Sometimes at daycare I am told that all you do is eat somet days, between your bottles and babyfood! You still love your mommy milk the best, though.
Recently you went to the doctor about your heart, and he says that it is getting better. You had three tiny holes when you were born, and now 2 have completely closed and one should be closing. The doctor couldn't even hear your heart murmur anymore. We praise God that you have a fully functioning heart, and that the holes were not large enough to cause any problems. You are healthy, and very happy.
Abigail, you are getting so big, so quickly. I look at you and see you coming into your own, and just realize that everyone is right- it does go by too fast. I know your 1st birthday will just sneak up on us. I already wish I could go back to the days when you wanted to cuddle on my chest and fal asleep. You don't do that much anymore... today you fell asleep on me in church. I just savor those moments. Most of the time now you just want to push off me and crawl to the other side of the couch or floor, or wherever we may be.
I know you will just become more and more independent, and that breaks my heart in one way, but in the other, I know it is a good and healthy thing for you to do. However, I love each and every moment we have together. I hate being away from you during the day, but I have to. I love the moments I get with you in the mornings and night times, and especially on our weekends together when Daddy is home. You are my love, and always will be. You are my firstborn and always will be. Your daddy and I both love you very very much, and we always will, no matter what. Just wanted you to know. Happy 7 month birthday!
Love Always,
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Making Friends
There have been a few playdates I have been trying to get arranged for a little while now- one of my co-workers from a previous place of employment had twin girls last August and I had yet to meet them. The other, a fellow classmate from the Social Work program at SU, who had a little girl this past November. All are just a few months apart from Abigail, the twins a few months older, and Anna a month younger, so I was excited to be able to get together with both of them on Friday!!
We headed over to Jessica's house Friday morning, and Abigail spent time with Addison and Bristol. They enjoyed playing together. I really think Abigail enjoys being around other babies- but sometimes she starts hitting them or pulling their hair!! I hope I don't have a bully on my hands already! It was nice to spend time with Jessica, catching up and sharing baby stories and experiences :)
Abigail was probably checking out Brady, the twins' older brother.
Abigail loves playing with toys that she doesn't have at home!! She was also excited to see some toys that she has the same of! (such as the gloworm in the picture!) She found a water bottle, and that became her favorite.
I still can't tell the twins apart.... All I can say is, one is Addison and one is Bristol! They are about 9 months old now.
After we left Jessica's, we came home and Abigail had a lonnnnng nap while mommy cleaned.
Then we packed up again and headed to Carla's. Abigail and Anna got to play together for awhile. Anna doesn't sit up as well as Abigail yet, but I bet she will the next time we get them together!
(sorry these pictures are a little fuzzy, I took them on my phone camera because I forgot my regular one, and they kept moving when I was trying to take the pictures!)
Carla also has two other children, so it was an interesting afternoon- watching what my household may look like someday!!! Abigail and I watched them make home made pizza, which was delicious. I hope I get the recipe!
All in all, it was a great day. I was glad to get Abigail out and around other babies her age. At daycare, they are older than her. She seems to really enjoy being around other babies. Except for when she gets so excited that she starts hitting them!! But it's all in good fun. I can't wait until our next playdates!!
We headed over to Jessica's house Friday morning, and Abigail spent time with Addison and Bristol. They enjoyed playing together. I really think Abigail enjoys being around other babies- but sometimes she starts hitting them or pulling their hair!! I hope I don't have a bully on my hands already! It was nice to spend time with Jessica, catching up and sharing baby stories and experiences :)
Abigail was probably checking out Brady, the twins' older brother.
Abigail loves playing with toys that she doesn't have at home!! She was also excited to see some toys that she has the same of! (such as the gloworm in the picture!) She found a water bottle, and that became her favorite.
I still can't tell the twins apart.... All I can say is, one is Addison and one is Bristol! They are about 9 months old now.
After we left Jessica's, we came home and Abigail had a lonnnnng nap while mommy cleaned.
Then we packed up again and headed to Carla's. Abigail and Anna got to play together for awhile. Anna doesn't sit up as well as Abigail yet, but I bet she will the next time we get them together!
(sorry these pictures are a little fuzzy, I took them on my phone camera because I forgot my regular one, and they kept moving when I was trying to take the pictures!)
Carla also has two other children, so it was an interesting afternoon- watching what my household may look like someday!!! Abigail and I watched them make home made pizza, which was delicious. I hope I get the recipe!
All in all, it was a great day. I was glad to get Abigail out and around other babies her age. At daycare, they are older than her. She seems to really enjoy being around other babies. Except for when she gets so excited that she starts hitting them!! But it's all in good fun. I can't wait until our next playdates!!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Weekend Getaway
It seems I am apologizing on my posts lately... again I apologize for not posting as often as I was doing previously. It's getting difficult for me, and I have a hard time getting myself motivated to do much these days. I have been so tired and with everything going on, It's hard to find time to myself!! Abigail is napping now, so I thought I would take advantage of this opportunity.
Last weekend we planned a getaway. I took Camden (our dog) to the kennel Friday morning, visited some friends at MAC (the local senior services agency- I did an internship with a unit there when I was completing my Masters in Social Work) and then Abigail and I headed off to Manassas, VA. Ryan's brother and his wife live in Manassas so we decided to meet there Friday evening and spend time with them on Saturday. I booked a hotel, Holiday Inn, and it was very nice. I had originall thougt about staying in Alexandria, but after much thought I decided to just stay in Manassas so we would be closer to Jason and AJ. Abigail and I arrived at the hotel a little before 4 that afternoon, but Ryan didn't get there until 9 pm. Abigail is such a great car rider- she sleeps!! We went to Wal Mart when we got to Manassas and did a little shopping. I had Abigail in the baby carrier- she loved it until we got to the checkout, so then she started screaming!! So I had to take her out. But she liked it up until that point.
We just hung out in the hotel, watched the Orioles game, until Ryan got there.
Then it was bedtime!
Friday night was a rough night, as Abigail didn't want to sleep in the crib that the hotel provided. She was waking up all hours of the night- it felt like she was a newborn all over again!! We would get her to sleep...she would sleep maybe 1-2 hours, then wake up again crying... Then over and over again. Finally we got her to settle down...once we put her in between us in the king sized bed. She slept for a few hours then. By that time, it was almost 7 am and time to get up!
Saturday morning we headed to Abby's Lane, a baby/cloth diapering store that I had on my list of things to check out while we were in Manassas. Actually, it was one of the only things on my list!! It was in old-town Manassas - I wish we had had more time to check out that area, it seemed really nice!! Anyway, we went to Abby's Lane and it was cloth diaper galore!!! They seemed to have almost any brand/type of diaper you could think of!! Too bad I really didn't NEED any more..but I got another one for daycare (she prefers the velcro at daycare) and I got some hemp liners to use for night time (we haven't started using cloth at night yet- but I will be trying a few things out soon!). I also got another wetbag (again, to have a spare one for daycare for when I haven't done wash yet). So I am set for awhile... There were some others I want to try, but my stash has GROWN so much and rapidly so I couldn't justify spending even more money on diapers!! I am doing this to save money...but it gets addicting!! There are always ones you want to try out.
Anywho, we left Abby's Lane, and then Jason and AJ's place was literally in the "backyard" of old town Manassas- it only took 5 minutes or even less to get there! That was nice. I will definitely be visiting the store again next time we visit them.
We just hung out and spent some good quality time together. We had lunch, went to the Potomac Mills mall, and just hung out at their place. We were there until almost 9 pm, and then headed back to the hotel for the night. We decided to just put Abigail in bed with us that night- she slept soooo good!
Sunday morning we had breakfast at Cracker Barrel (yum yum) and then headed back to the hotel.
I loved this picture so I had to stick in in here somewhere! They were both watching tv together :)
The hotel had an indoor pool so I really wanted to get Abigail in the water for her firs ttime!! So Ryan got in the indoor pool with Abigail- she liked it!! She was a little apprehensive at first, but she didn't fuss, so I think she enjoyed it. Plus she was with daddy!! she enjoys her time with daddy.
We had to check out of the hotel by 1, so we headed to the Borders that was nearby so Ryan could study. Abigail napped, and I read my book (I don't get many chances to read lately, so it was nice to just relax!
We ended our weekend together by traveling up to Germantown, MD which was about 1 hour away and stopped by to see friends, Rich and Kaleigh. Rich and Ryan were throwers together on the York College track and field team. Rich is also a police officer in their area, so Ryan and Rich had loads to talk about. I have gotten to know Kaleigh over the years as we were always at the track meets together, and we always enjoy spending time together. We had dinner at the Red Robin (Yum Yum!) and spent a little time together. As always, it wasn't enough time!! I am hoping to have them over again this summer like last summer.
Then it was time to say good bye to Ryan. From Germantown, he was only about 45 minutes away from the academy. I hate saying good bye to him, but we had to do it. So Abigail and I headed back to the Eastern Shore...we didn't get home until almost 10 pm. She slept the entire drive, and then went right to bed when we got home, and slept the entire night!!.....I have an angel for a baby :)
And a great weekend it was, indeed.
Last weekend we planned a getaway. I took Camden (our dog) to the kennel Friday morning, visited some friends at MAC (the local senior services agency- I did an internship with a unit there when I was completing my Masters in Social Work) and then Abigail and I headed off to Manassas, VA. Ryan's brother and his wife live in Manassas so we decided to meet there Friday evening and spend time with them on Saturday. I booked a hotel, Holiday Inn, and it was very nice. I had originall thougt about staying in Alexandria, but after much thought I decided to just stay in Manassas so we would be closer to Jason and AJ. Abigail and I arrived at the hotel a little before 4 that afternoon, but Ryan didn't get there until 9 pm. Abigail is such a great car rider- she sleeps!! We went to Wal Mart when we got to Manassas and did a little shopping. I had Abigail in the baby carrier- she loved it until we got to the checkout, so then she started screaming!! So I had to take her out. But she liked it up until that point.
We just hung out in the hotel, watched the Orioles game, until Ryan got there.
Then it was bedtime!
Friday night was a rough night, as Abigail didn't want to sleep in the crib that the hotel provided. She was waking up all hours of the night- it felt like she was a newborn all over again!! We would get her to sleep...she would sleep maybe 1-2 hours, then wake up again crying... Then over and over again. Finally we got her to settle down...once we put her in between us in the king sized bed. She slept for a few hours then. By that time, it was almost 7 am and time to get up!
Saturday morning we headed to Abby's Lane, a baby/cloth diapering store that I had on my list of things to check out while we were in Manassas. Actually, it was one of the only things on my list!! It was in old-town Manassas - I wish we had had more time to check out that area, it seemed really nice!! Anyway, we went to Abby's Lane and it was cloth diaper galore!!! They seemed to have almost any brand/type of diaper you could think of!! Too bad I really didn't NEED any more..but I got another one for daycare (she prefers the velcro at daycare) and I got some hemp liners to use for night time (we haven't started using cloth at night yet- but I will be trying a few things out soon!). I also got another wetbag (again, to have a spare one for daycare for when I haven't done wash yet). So I am set for awhile... There were some others I want to try, but my stash has GROWN so much and rapidly so I couldn't justify spending even more money on diapers!! I am doing this to save money...but it gets addicting!! There are always ones you want to try out.
Anywho, we left Abby's Lane, and then Jason and AJ's place was literally in the "backyard" of old town Manassas- it only took 5 minutes or even less to get there! That was nice. I will definitely be visiting the store again next time we visit them.
We just hung out and spent some good quality time together. We had lunch, went to the Potomac Mills mall, and just hung out at their place. We were there until almost 9 pm, and then headed back to the hotel for the night. We decided to just put Abigail in bed with us that night- she slept soooo good!
Sunday morning we had breakfast at Cracker Barrel (yum yum) and then headed back to the hotel.
I loved this picture so I had to stick in in here somewhere! They were both watching tv together :)
The hotel had an indoor pool so I really wanted to get Abigail in the water for her firs ttime!! So Ryan got in the indoor pool with Abigail- she liked it!! She was a little apprehensive at first, but she didn't fuss, so I think she enjoyed it. Plus she was with daddy!! she enjoys her time with daddy.
We had to check out of the hotel by 1, so we headed to the Borders that was nearby so Ryan could study. Abigail napped, and I read my book (I don't get many chances to read lately, so it was nice to just relax!
We ended our weekend together by traveling up to Germantown, MD which was about 1 hour away and stopped by to see friends, Rich and Kaleigh. Rich and Ryan were throwers together on the York College track and field team. Rich is also a police officer in their area, so Ryan and Rich had loads to talk about. I have gotten to know Kaleigh over the years as we were always at the track meets together, and we always enjoy spending time together. We had dinner at the Red Robin (Yum Yum!) and spent a little time together. As always, it wasn't enough time!! I am hoping to have them over again this summer like last summer.
Then it was time to say good bye to Ryan. From Germantown, he was only about 45 minutes away from the academy. I hate saying good bye to him, but we had to do it. So Abigail and I headed back to the Eastern Shore...we didn't get home until almost 10 pm. She slept the entire drive, and then went right to bed when we got home, and slept the entire night!!.....I have an angel for a baby :)
And a great weekend it was, indeed.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Mother's Day weekend
Again, I apoligize for not posting as much these days. Lately It's been all I can do to take care of Abigail, the house, the dog Camden, my job has been stressful, plus everything else that goes on. It seems last week there was something going on every night which led me to be exhausted.
Weekends are spent with Ryan, when he's home, plain and simple. I try to steer clear of the computer unless he is studying and then I will pop on the computer. He has to study a lot when he comes home, which stinks :( But I guess it's a good thing because he recently found out that he's #10 in the academy out of 64 candidate, based on GPA! Proud of my boy.
The weekend was somewhat quiet...but Friday was a busy and LONG day though!! I worked all day, left a little earlier than my "normal" time to pick Abigail up from daycare (40 minute drive), headed home to take care of Camden, changed clothes for Abigail and I, and we headed BACK up north, to Dover (I work in Seaford so I was back and forth). There was no way around it. What a waste of gas. But for a good reason. My mom received an award from our United Methodist Peninsula-Delaware conference from the Order of St. Barnabas for her work with coordinating God's Kitchen, a ministry run through our church. So Abigail and I went to support mom, along with other members of the church who help out with God's Kitchen. Mom has worked soooo hard with this ministry over the years and it was wonderful to see her get recognized with receiving this award. It was a nice banquet but Abigail was very tired and a little fussy. She would not settle down. I ended up leaving at 8:30, and didn't get home until 10:00- it's quite a drive up to Dover from here.
Ryan had already been home for a little bit. He got to visit with Abigail for a few minutes before she (and all of us) headed to bed. We were all so exhausted!
It was also Mother's Day weekend. I had told Ryan he didn't need to get me anything- just having him able to come home for the weekend was my gift.
Of course, he got me something anyway. I will post a picture later. My camera ran out of batteries!
We went to church in the morning and I, along with all of the other moms, got a pretty begonia (that I need to plant outside before it dies!).
We had lunch at our favorite quick and fairly cheap place to eat- Pat's Pizza. Ryan studied the afternoon while I watched baseball with Abigail. Then we went for a family walk.
It was such a gorgeous afternoon! I always enjoy our walks, it's great time together. Ryan brought along his flash cards and I helped him study as we walked.
I have two baby girls:
...And I love them both!!!! I love being a mommy :)
Ryan had to head back to academy at 5:00...it's a 2 1/2 hour drive so he usually leaves before 6:00 on Sunday. I always try to convince him to stay just a tad later... like 15 or 20 minutes will really make much difference. But he never does. He has a time and he sticks to it.
It gets harder and harder for him to leave to go back to the academy each time. I know I will see him this weekend, so I guess it makes it easier..but the weeks drag by! However.... almost 7 weeks completed, and then it will be 19 to go!!!!
We stood on the porch and waved him goodbye. Then our neighbor came over for a few minutes to say hi with her girls (2 and 4 years old) and then she came back a little later and invited me to dinner. So went over there and had tacos, and the girls played and just loved all over Abigail. We had a great time. We came home and Abigail was so exhausted she fell right asleep!
I am Totally Looking forward to this weekend- Friday I am taking Camden to the kennel and then Abigail and I are headed to Manassas. Ryan will be meeting me there Friday evening, and then Saturday we will be visiting with Uncle Jason and Aunt AJ! (My brother and sister in law). I originally was going to look for hotel in Alexandria, but decided to stick to Manassas, so we won't be far from Jason and AJ Saturday morning.
We also might get to visit some friends who live up that way as well. We don't get to see a lot of our friends, being they live across the bridge, so I am very excited!! I am looking forward to (hopefully) relaxing and not doing TOO much. I need some time just to "be" and breathe!!
I am also looking forward to visiting Abby's Lane baby boutique in Manassas- I was told abou ttheir online store from a friend, and have bought a few things online, and then realized they have a store in Manassas, the same town Ryan's brother lives!! I am looking forward to checking the store out in person!! I will probably end up buying more cloth diapers! I don't necessarily need any more, but I think I have become addicted to trying out new styles and brands now!! We will see. I will definitely have to limit myself. I do have an exchange to do when there as well, though. But definitely excited!!
Well, anywho, Hope everyone else who reads this has a wonderful weekend!
Weekends are spent with Ryan, when he's home, plain and simple. I try to steer clear of the computer unless he is studying and then I will pop on the computer. He has to study a lot when he comes home, which stinks :( But I guess it's a good thing because he recently found out that he's #10 in the academy out of 64 candidate, based on GPA! Proud of my boy.
The weekend was somewhat quiet...but Friday was a busy and LONG day though!! I worked all day, left a little earlier than my "normal" time to pick Abigail up from daycare (40 minute drive), headed home to take care of Camden, changed clothes for Abigail and I, and we headed BACK up north, to Dover (I work in Seaford so I was back and forth). There was no way around it. What a waste of gas. But for a good reason. My mom received an award from our United Methodist Peninsula-Delaware conference from the Order of St. Barnabas for her work with coordinating God's Kitchen, a ministry run through our church. So Abigail and I went to support mom, along with other members of the church who help out with God's Kitchen. Mom has worked soooo hard with this ministry over the years and it was wonderful to see her get recognized with receiving this award. It was a nice banquet but Abigail was very tired and a little fussy. She would not settle down. I ended up leaving at 8:30, and didn't get home until 10:00- it's quite a drive up to Dover from here.
Ryan had already been home for a little bit. He got to visit with Abigail for a few minutes before she (and all of us) headed to bed. We were all so exhausted!
It was also Mother's Day weekend. I had told Ryan he didn't need to get me anything- just having him able to come home for the weekend was my gift.
Of course, he got me something anyway. I will post a picture later. My camera ran out of batteries!
We went to church in the morning and I, along with all of the other moms, got a pretty begonia (that I need to plant outside before it dies!).
We had lunch at our favorite quick and fairly cheap place to eat- Pat's Pizza. Ryan studied the afternoon while I watched baseball with Abigail. Then we went for a family walk.
It was such a gorgeous afternoon! I always enjoy our walks, it's great time together. Ryan brought along his flash cards and I helped him study as we walked.
I have two baby girls:
...And I love them both!!!! I love being a mommy :)
Ryan had to head back to academy at 5:00...it's a 2 1/2 hour drive so he usually leaves before 6:00 on Sunday. I always try to convince him to stay just a tad later... like 15 or 20 minutes will really make much difference. But he never does. He has a time and he sticks to it.
It gets harder and harder for him to leave to go back to the academy each time. I know I will see him this weekend, so I guess it makes it easier..but the weeks drag by! However.... almost 7 weeks completed, and then it will be 19 to go!!!!
We stood on the porch and waved him goodbye. Then our neighbor came over for a few minutes to say hi with her girls (2 and 4 years old) and then she came back a little later and invited me to dinner. So went over there and had tacos, and the girls played and just loved all over Abigail. We had a great time. We came home and Abigail was so exhausted she fell right asleep!
I am Totally Looking forward to this weekend- Friday I am taking Camden to the kennel and then Abigail and I are headed to Manassas. Ryan will be meeting me there Friday evening, and then Saturday we will be visiting with Uncle Jason and Aunt AJ! (My brother and sister in law). I originally was going to look for hotel in Alexandria, but decided to stick to Manassas, so we won't be far from Jason and AJ Saturday morning.
We also might get to visit some friends who live up that way as well. We don't get to see a lot of our friends, being they live across the bridge, so I am very excited!! I am looking forward to (hopefully) relaxing and not doing TOO much. I need some time just to "be" and breathe!!
I am also looking forward to visiting Abby's Lane baby boutique in Manassas- I was told abou ttheir online store from a friend, and have bought a few things online, and then realized they have a store in Manassas, the same town Ryan's brother lives!! I am looking forward to checking the store out in person!! I will probably end up buying more cloth diapers! I don't necessarily need any more, but I think I have become addicted to trying out new styles and brands now!! We will see. I will definitely have to limit myself. I do have an exchange to do when there as well, though. But definitely excited!!
Well, anywho, Hope everyone else who reads this has a wonderful weekend!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
A Healing Heart
The day after Abigail was born, her pediatrician discovered a murmur when he listened to her heart. I remember when he came into the room to talk to me that Saturday morning and told me that he had heard a murmor and he wanted her to have an echocardiogram. I was by myself, as Ryan had gone home for a bit, and I was scared out of my mind. As a brand new parent to hear that your child has a heart murmur and needs tests done, it's very scary. I tried not to worry too much, as her pediatrician did tell me that her heart seemed to be functioning as it should and he was not too concerned but wanted to check things out anyway. So she had the echo later that day, and they sent the results to the National Children's Medical Center in Washington DC to a pediatric cardiologist who comes down to Salisbury once every few months for his opinion.
She was found to have a few very small holes in the muscular area in the middle of the two chambers in her heart- they call this ventricular septal defects. We were told that since the holes are so very small, they were not effecting the function of her heart in any way, but just causing the murmur. We knew things were in God's hands.
We were fortunate we didn't have to travel to DC to see that cardiologist because he was coming to Salisbury in November, so we set up a follow up appointment. At that time, they did more testing and the holes had already showed signs that they had started to close, and it was difficult to hear the murmur- yay!
Today we had our 6 month check up with the same cardiologist. They did an EKG and another Echo, and found that 2 of the 3 holes have completely closed, and one is still there but very tiny. Tiny that he couldn't even hear the heart murmur. Soooo relieving. We don't have to return for another year.
All along, I have tried not to worry about this, knowing that things were in God's hands. I always figured that if the pediatrician (who is Chief of Pediatrics at our hospital right now) told us not to worry, and that her heart functions fine, then we shouldn't worry. But still, it seems a duty of being a parent is to worry!
I am just sooo incredibly blessed to have such a healthy, happy baby. I am so glad that the issues with her heart were not something where we needed to have even more testing, or even worse, surgery. I rejoice that the holes are closing and that there are no major issues. God has certainly had His hand in this, and He has certainly blessed us, in many ways.
She was found to have a few very small holes in the muscular area in the middle of the two chambers in her heart- they call this ventricular septal defects. We were told that since the holes are so very small, they were not effecting the function of her heart in any way, but just causing the murmur. We knew things were in God's hands.
We were fortunate we didn't have to travel to DC to see that cardiologist because he was coming to Salisbury in November, so we set up a follow up appointment. At that time, they did more testing and the holes had already showed signs that they had started to close, and it was difficult to hear the murmur- yay!
Today we had our 6 month check up with the same cardiologist. They did an EKG and another Echo, and found that 2 of the 3 holes have completely closed, and one is still there but very tiny. Tiny that he couldn't even hear the heart murmur. Soooo relieving. We don't have to return for another year.
All along, I have tried not to worry about this, knowing that things were in God's hands. I always figured that if the pediatrician (who is Chief of Pediatrics at our hospital right now) told us not to worry, and that her heart functions fine, then we shouldn't worry. But still, it seems a duty of being a parent is to worry!
I am just sooo incredibly blessed to have such a healthy, happy baby. I am so glad that the issues with her heart were not something where we needed to have even more testing, or even worse, surgery. I rejoice that the holes are closing and that there are no major issues. God has certainly had His hand in this, and He has certainly blessed us, in many ways.
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